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The Immediacy: A New Challenge for Wellbeing

The evolution of communication has come a long way, from delivering news in public squares and churches to today’s instant digital communication. Historically, information exchange centered on in-person gatherings, where people shared and debated face-to-face. Over time, with written media, the telegraph, radio, and eventually the internet and social media, this process accelerated to near immediacy, deeply transforming our expectations and interactions.

One effect of this transformation is the constant availability facilitated by current technology. While some people welcome this, others seek to protect moments of disconnection. In the workplace, immediacy can become problematic; applications like WhatsApp have created a culture of instant response, challenging the right to disconnect. It’s common for work messages to arrive outside of conventional hours, blurring the line between work and personal life and affecting people’s wellbeing.

Besides influencing our routines, social media’s immediacy has had a noticeable impact on our attention span. Recent studies reveal a significant decrease in the interaction time we devote to each piece of content. Formats like Reels or TikTok videos illustrate how platforms aim to capture attention in seconds. Continuous exposure to brief content has reduced the average attention span, impacting our ability to process information deeply and analytically. Beyond that, digital stimuli overload has created a context where instant gratification is prioritized over reflection, limiting critical thinking and making us more vulnerable to misinformation and emotional manipulation. The speed at which information circulates also facilitates the spread of inaccurate or misleading information, as there is often not enough time or willingness to verify facts.

Immediacy has also transformed the political sphere. In the podcast Cuarto para las Cuatro, Mexican journalists discussed how rapid and accessible communication shapes voters’ perceptions, leading them to favor candidates offering quick, emotional solutions. In Mexico and the United States, this style of discourse has gained broad support, reflecting an audience used to instant answers and willing to sacrifice depth for immediacy.

In Peru, as analyzed by Gonzalo Zegarra on Infobae, social media promotes an impulsive approach to politics, encouraging simplistic solutions that respond to short-term demands. Zegarra argues that this trend limits politics' capacity to address complex issues, reinforcing a preference for quick and superficial answers. He also warns that this expectation of immediacy weakens the long-term vision in politics, as many voters prioritize immediate interests over future-oriented proposals.

This trend toward immediacy in political discourse highlights a significant challenge: how to balance the demand for quick solutions without losing the ability to analyze and solve deep problems.

In many ways, immediacy in communication is a powerful tool for staying connected, informed, and reducing distances. However, like any tool, excessive use can be counterproductive. The challenge is to find a balance where we can reap the benefits of fast communication while also fostering critical analysis and reflection. In an era of abundant information and stimuli, the goal is to preserve our ability to discern, evaluate, and connect authentically.

Carrasco, D. (2023, December 15). Claves del engagement en redes sociales: la saturación será el enemigo a vencer en 2024 [Metricool]. M4C NET.

Cubbin, R. M. (2024, November 6). “Caemos en la promesa de resultados inmediatos”: los efectos de las redes sociales en las próximas elecciones en el Perú. Infobae.

Fuertes, A. L. (2023, October 2). Las redes sociales, el internet y el déficit de atención: ¿cómo afectan a nuestra capacidad de análisis y a nuestra percepción de la verdad? Sociedad 3.0.