Exploring the Link Between the 'Broken Windows' Theory and a School Plagued by 15 Robberies
During the past week, a local news story caught the attention of many, featuring prominently on the segment of the renowned news anchor Maria Julia. The headline was about a school that had been vandalized 13 times, with authorities yet to investigate the situation. In the days that followed, the headline changed to 14 times, and eventually to 15 times, with the school being not just vandalized, but also robbed.
Putting aside the feeling of disappointment towards the authorities, I couldn't help but wonder, Is this a situation similar to the "broken windows" theory?
The "broken windows" theory states that any conspicuous and visible sign of crime and civil disorder, such as broken windows, vandalism, and even jaywalking or avoiding paying for public transportation, creates an urban environment that further promotes crime and misbehavior
All these signs of deterioration or destabilization send a message to users:
"There is no one here who cares or takes care of this"
Our learning since childhood comes from what we see, we learn from the example of others, behaviors are contagious and depending on the life story we lead, these learnings and attributes will be part of our personality. In other words, it could be said that we normalize behaviors.
How dangerous it would be, that just by seeing a few broken windows in a building, we would normalize and contribute to worsen the state of that building.
How dangerous it would also be to think that this only applies to public spaces, because the effect of "broken windows" can also be reflected in other aspects of our lives, such as a company where it is normal to listen:
"I have a check-in time but not a check-out time"
"The team has to work on the weekend"
"We are a family" (no, we are not)
"Do it for the team"
Or the nice habit of "rewarding" good work with some pizzas and paraphernalia, instead of financial compensation.
What will be the "broken windows" we see in our work spaces? Who cares and seeks a balanced environment in the office? Could it be me?
The solution to the "broken windows" challenge lies within us.
If it's within my reach, yes. I dare to say it would even be worth giving my 100 (still in Spanish) in that situation.
If it’s not within your reach, remember that knowledge is power, by this I mean that reporting and pointing out situations that potentially deteriorate our environment influence the collective conscience to the point of changing behavior and calling for action.
Once the problem has been identified, the methodology to implement will (ironically) be one of repetition. There are work models to reiterate that help me achieve a stable life, that help me distinguish between the good and the best. In another post, on my blog, I had talked about how repetition is the key to mastering something:
"Repetition can take you to a totally different place from the one you started and you would get there with all the wisdom you have accumulated along the way."
Let's amplify the actions that nourish society instead of deteriorating them and let's also see in what other aspects of our life we can implement them. Please don't forget that we have our personal "broken windows" to fix.
It is not going to be that a stone suddenly falls on us.
This article was translated by @ross.gspr
Disclaimer: The views expressed are personal opinions of the authors and do not reflect the views of affiliated organizations. The information is for informational purposes only and not intended as professional advice.
Argandoña, A. (2004, October 18). La teoría de las ventanas rotas. El País. https://elpais.com/diario/2004/10/18/catalunya/1098061644_850215.html
Ruhl, C. (2021, July 26). Broken Windows Theory - Simply Psychology. Https://Www.Simplypsychology.Org/Broken-Windows-Theory.Html. https://www.simplypsychology.org/broken-windows-theory.html
Wilson, J. Q., & Kelling, G. L. (1982). Broken windows. Atlantic monthly, 249(3), 29-38.
Aranda, M. (2022, February 20). La clave del dominio. Nunca Des El Cien ®. https://nuncadeselcien.com/blog/repetir